The easiest & fastest way to make payments
S99Pay makes it safe and easy to make any payments
Available in over
3 Countries
We've processed over
$ 1 Billion
S99Pay customers
1 Million +

S99Pay helps you make payment

in 3 simple steps

Step 1:

Initiate deposit process on merchant’s site.

Step 2:

Facilitate all required banking information through S99Pay’s secure terminal.

Step 3:

S99Pay will complete banking transaction and merchant wallet will be updated automatically.

Why S99Pay?

why s99

No Account Required

No registration process as no account activation is required.

why s99

Trusted & Secure

Uses the highest level of encryption to provide a secure, trusted platform for payments.

why s99

No Transaction Charges

Free to use with no transaction fees incurred.

why s99

Instant Delivery

Send money instantly with a click of a button.

why s99

High Transfer Limits

High limits for online money transfer.

why s99

Excellent Customer Support

Free support with real people 24/7


S99Pay services have continuously impressed me. I am confident that the finest business like S99 Pay will work with me.

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The ideal partner for me. It's highly reliable with a global platform you can count on.

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S99Pay is the best. It has the right strategy to manage my important transactions with their finest technology and services.

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